[Building Sakai] [sakai-kernel] Re: Automating the site creation process AND Sakai 3 Groups

Matthew Buckett matthew.buckett at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon Nov 23 02:09:45 PST 2009

2009/11/22 John Norman <john at caret.cam.ac.uk>:
> The Oxford document makes an interesting read as an example of a 'group' structure that
> doesn't really need a site.

Just for a bit of background. The reason used a site is that the tools
(Site Info) for managing this group could be reused.

In a short summary any user who has a permission in an admin site gets
it in all sites that are managed by that admin site. This allows for
people to admin large numbers of sites (by the fact they have site.upd
in the admin site) without being members of them. It also allows for
external auditors to get read only access (content.read, site.visit,
etc) to sites.

  Matthew Buckett
  VLE Developer, LTG, Oxford University Computing Services

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