[Building Sakai] sakai, webdav, and Windows 7

Kenwrick Chan kchan at hawaii.edu
Thu Nov 12 14:13:02 PST 2009

We have faculty trying to make a webdav connection to our sakai instance (2.5.x) using Windows 7.  Our helpdesk had a support ticket with Microsoft support and came back with:

Is this server designed with FrontPage Server Extensions?  Server has to support w3 specification method of connecting, meaning we should be able to add it as a mapped network drive if it is w3 specifications. 

MS support tells me that the major change from windows xp to windows vista is that windows xp used rosebud/web extender client  to connect to server shares.  Per MS, Vista is able to use web extender as an extension of the Office suite/patch and that's why Vista can still connect to WebDAV.  The major difference in Windows 7 is that it can no longer use the web extender/rosebud, and must rely on the web client service.

Just wondering how other campuses are dealing with this issue.   Thus far we've had some success with "anyclient".  Any other workable solutions?


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