[Building Sakai] database problem in new tool

Juan Pablo Romero Bernal jromerobernal at gmail.com
Sat May 9 10:17:04 PDT 2009


> i'm doing a new tool in sakai and i'm creating new tables in the data base.
> i need USER_ID (from SAKAI_USER) as foreign key in a new table but i can't
> do that because SAKAI_USER table is type MyISAM and for to do foreign key,
> the tables must be type=InnoDB, i need change that in SAKAI_USER but i can't
> to that because SAKAI_USER table is "only read", how can i change this
> feature of sakai_user?
> --

I think, it is not a problem related with Sakai. Try:

if you are using MySQL in Linux/Unix:

*. Review the permissions of the files located in
/var/lib/mysql/<sakai-database> and verify that the proprietary is
mysql user and group mysql group.

*. Make sure that the sakai database user have UPDATE privileges.

*. Restart the mysqld service

I hope this helps.


Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Blog: http://jpromerobx.blogspot.com/

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