[Building Sakai] site alias

Zhen Qian zqian at umich.edu
Tue Mar 24 12:22:15 PDT 2009

Hi, all:

SAK-14483 adds site URL alias to site creation screen in Worksite  
Setup. SAK-15883 let the site maintainer to edit the alias after site  
is created, however, as Steve Swinsburg points out, the old alias  
still sticks around after new alias is assigned.

Here come my questions:

Do we have a policy for alias management? Can people reuse aliases,  
e.g. "ENGLISH001" for two different academic terms?

Can an Sakai entity have more than one alias?

If a user bookmark an alias-url, and later the alias gets dropped,  
will the unresolvable url become a problem?

How do people think of the possible case of misuse of the alias  
function, e.g. A user generates hundreds of aliases for a single  
project site?



- Zhen

Zhen Qian
Software Developer
zqian at umich dot edu

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