[Building Sakai] Build source Sakai - Error ???

de men phucbui2006 at yahoo.com.vn
Mon Mar 16 23:19:06 PDT 2009

I finally built it successfully.
But after I deployed to tomcat, I could not start Sakai with startup.bat ???
Another question is:
According to guides on Sakai pages about developing Sakai in Eclipse. They used the source code downloaded by SVN.
Why can not I use the source release on Sakai page ??? When I imported it to Eclipse, there was only a project named "base" ???

Looking forward to your answers.

Phuc Bui
Search occasionally throws test errors during startup; in this case, a
REST-style HTTP Post request failed.  If you simply want to start Sakai you can
prevent Maven from throwing build errors when the Surefire test plugin
encounters a test failure by adding the parameter -Dmaven.test.skip=true to your
set of mvn goals when running maven from the command line:

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true sakai:deploy

If you want more info on the error add the "-e" switch:

mvn -e clean install sakai:deploy



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