[Building Sakai] Library and Sakai 3 integration discussion, 3/17

Hollar, Susan shollar at umich.edu
Fri Mar 13 06:59:35 PDT 2009

The Sakai and library communities are invited to participate in a videoconference / conference call to discuss ideas for library integration with Sakai 3, hosted by the Sakaibrary project of Indiana University and the University of Michigan.  The call will be held Tuesday, March 17 from 11am - 12:30pm EDT (15:00-16:30 GMT).  We selected this time in an effort to be as inclusive as possible of the wide range of time zones in which the Sakai community lives.  If you are not familiar with the Sakai 3 prototype, it may be helpful to view the screencast or read the Sakai 3 white paper available at:

1.  Introductions - 10 minutes

2.  Overview of work thus far -  15 minutes
        * Usage scenarios
        * Citations Helper
        * Research Guides
        * Other local customizations and work

3.  Discussion - 40 minutes
        * What library functionality would you most like to see in Sakai 3?
        * Are usage scenarios an effective way gather input?
        * Who wants to be involved and how?  How should we communicate?

4.  Next steps - 10 minutes

5.  Wrap Up - 5 minutes

The call will take place on the Sakai 001 conference bridge:

* IP Address:
* Telephone: 812-856-7060
* Conference Code: 348#
* PIN: 72524#

Adobe Connect will be available for screen sharing:

Please accept our apologies if you are interested in this topic but the time does not work for you. We hope to schedule some additional conversations in the future, so please contact us by e-mail if you are interested but can't participate in next week's call.

Thanks, and looking forward to talking with you.

Jon Dunn, Indiana University, jwd at indiana.edu
Susan Hollar, University of Michigan, shollar at umich.edu

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