[Building Sakai] 2.6 QA Push Needed

Michael Korcuska mkorcuska at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 02:07:59 PDT 2009


We are nearing the hoped-for release date for 2.6. and we need more  
help. As it is, we aren't going to make the target date of March 20  
but we'd like to get as close as possible. Even if your organization  
is planning to stick with 2.5 for now it would be very much  
appreciated if you could pitch in.

We need to get the QA servers updated as quickly as possible to the  
2.6.0-beta03 tag, we need the remaining blocker and critical bugs  
closed (ideally fixed!) and we need some hands on testing.

Here are some relevant links:

List of 2.6 Changes:

2.6 Testing Signup Page:

2.6 Scheduled, Unresolved Issues (sorted by priority):
There are currently 25 blocker/critical issues. A manageable number,  
but we do need attention on these ASAP.

Please contact Pete Peterson (plpeterson at ucdavis.edu) if you would  
like to help and are unsure where to begin.

Thank you!


Michael Korcuska
Executive Director, Sakai Foundation
mkorcuska at sakaifoundation.org
phone: +1 510-931-6559
mobile (US): +1 510-599-2586
skype: mkorcuska

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