[Building Sakai] Converting small app to 2.6.x question

Robert E. Long relong at vmail.svsu.edu
Fri Jul 31 11:29:10 PDT 2009


I am in the process of converting all of our small webapps from 2.5.4 to 2.6.x. I am running into a small issue with one of the tools. 

The tool was built with the Sakai App Builder about 6 months ago (pre-2.6) and ran on our Sakai 2.5.4 instance. I am converting it to 2.6.x / K1 and after running the script transformArtifacts.xsl on all the poms (2 of them), it is still complaining about not being able to find 1 required artifact: sakai-tool-api, which should have been pulled into the kernel. I have all the kernel dependencies in my pom.xml. 


I have investigated it and my conclusion is that the sakai-jsp-adapter (v. 0.8-M2) is calling for it. Is there, per chance a newer version that is built for 2.6.x? 

Here is the error, if it is needed: 

INFO] Failed to resolve artifact. 

1) org.sakaiproject:sakai-tool-api:jar:M2 
Path to dependency: 
1) org.sakaiproject.sitearchiver:sakai-sitearchiver-tool:war:0.2 
2) org.sakaiproject:sakai-jsp-adapter:jar:0.8-M2 
3) org.sakaiproject:sakai-tool-api:jar:M2 

Any pointers for me on how to proceed? 

Thank you, 

Robert E. Long, MA 
Saginaw Valley State University 
Open Source Programmer / Analyst 
Math / Education Instructor 
M.A. Instructional Technology 
O: 989.964.2245 
E: relong at svsu.edu 
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