[Building Sakai] Rwiki

Prakash, Savitha savithap at umich.edu
Tue Jul 14 10:55:26 PDT 2009

I am venturing to add few new features to rwiki (2.7). I wanted to get a sense of what community at large wants. Following lists the wiki features and possible approaches. Any comments, suggestions are appreciated.

1. Option to delete wiki page (SAK-2963)

I was able to implement an option "delete page" by deleting the page records from the rwikiobject table. This would delete the page, they will not be listed in index, and there will be no way to get the history of this page. What kind of permission should be imposed for this feature? I was thinking of giving access to "delete page" for those with rwiki.admin or rwiki.superadmin. Any thoughts?

2. Hide option for comments (SAK-11910)

A comment can be completely deleted by using the delete option, as mentioned in [1], as each comment is considered as a page in rwiki. However this would completely remove the record with no history of any previous comments, which might not be desirable to some.
So, we should probably have a hide option, with an additional column in rwikiobject table, which records the status of hide. Thoughts?

3. Be able to control Comments in RWiki on a site by site level (SAK-8391)

Currently we have a property wiki.comments, to include/exclude comments in wiki, however this will be applicable system wide.

In order to have a site wide permission, we need to add a new permission say rwiki.comments. This would include changes in templates in kernel and osp. How important is this feature to make so many changes in different places? 

Alternatively, it will be relatively simple implementation to have a page-wise permission for comments. By default we can switch it on and it can be changed by visiting INFO. Thoughts? Concerns?


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