[Building Sakai] Non-question page in the middle of an assessment

Carlos Delgado CDelgado at bmjgroup.com
Tue Jul 14 09:07:04 PDT 2009


We're studying to adopt Sakai and migrate it from a system made in-house.

One of the problems is that we have different types of questions we're
really happy with and we don't want to get rid of them, but there's no
equivalent in sakai.

My question is: Is it possible to create new question types? Or even a new
assessment type?

This is because the test we have is as follows:

   At the beginning the user goes to a test page, called pre-test, with
   questions relevant to a particular matter.
   After, we display some info pages with no questions at all, just text,
   tables, graphics... about the particular matter. There can be some tests
   in the middle, but we don't count the punctuation, is just for feedback.
   At the end, we present that same test as at the beginning - called
   After submitting this test, we display a page comparing the answers
   before and after, and giving feedback for every single question/answer
   Only the answers from the last tests counts to decide if the user has
   passed it or not.

Other problem I'm facing is that it seems that the text fields are limited
to 4,000 characters,  which is not enough for the info pages and for some

Any ideas on how can it be done?


Best Regards,

 Carlos Delgado

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