[Building Sakai] Autosubmit feature for Samigo

Sean Keesler sean at keesler.org
Wed Apr 8 11:32:09 PDT 2009

I am checking out the sakai.property:


I set it in local.properties and have the quartz job firing every
minute. However, nothing seems to get "auto submitted".
I read in SAK-14474 that "there will be a configurable option in the
Submissions portion of Settings".

All I see in Settings are:

Number of Submissions Allowed
  - Unlimited
  - Only ____ submissions allowed

Late Handling
 - Late Submissions (After Due Date) will NOT be accepted
 - Late Submissions will be accepted and will be tagged late during grading

Nothing screams of "auto submit" to me. How do you make an assessment
auto submit?


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