[sakai-core-team] Javascript Min Maps

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Tue Sep 16 06:20:14 PDT 2014

While I think this is a minor issue, since I made this change I figure I'd
post to this list about it.

SAK-27909 - jquery.min.map missing when console window open

Javascript min.map files are files that map the compressed (min) js files
back to the uncompressed js file *only* when the debugger/console window is
open. So testers see these errors when looking for other javascript errors.

The browser (Chrome/FF) only looks for the map if the min file actually
defines a sourceMappingURL comment line like below, which jQuery is/was

//@ sourceMappingURL=jquery.min.map

Since many DOM events actually seem to start in jquery, it seems easier for
debugging javascript everywhere to just have this file mapping intact
rather than just remove this line. So I committed the map and the
uncompressed source for 1.9.1. For every new version of jquery we'd have to
do the same (make sure the name matches).

For other libraries (like qTip2), I upgraded that (SAK-27814) but just
removed the sourceMapping line that was present in the file since I don't
think anyone is going to debug into that library?
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