[sakai-core-team] Work on migrating to github

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Mon Dec 22 14:05:43 PST 2014

Yeah, we can adjust this so only osp and metaobj have the same permissions
as they do presently. In-case anyone still has to commit to there. Probably
easier than moving it somewhere else. Just exclude them from the github

Ideally we'd have a reference cleanup or split out the non-production
stuff, as more than half of it (30-40MB) either is out of date or only
reference material. Basically the docs directory, all of the old editors
and other javascript no longer used in the webapp and all of the sample
skins, which by 11 won't really be useful. There's a lot of stuff that can
really add up to the initial checkout size and space on disk. For some
people it doesn't matter but we have some schools in low bandwidth
countries were 100MB can take awhile to checkout.

I guess it's not a blocker for github but for sure would be nice to focus
on cleaning up as it would have a big overall impact, as much as code
cleanup has on maintainability.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Charles Severance <csev at umich.edu> wrote:

> On Dec 20, 2014, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Jones <matthew at longsight.com> wrote:
> - OSP
>   I think we should just either leave this in SVN, possibly just migrate
> to contrib or create a separate git repository. This is no longer included
> by default in 11 and it's one of the biggest pieces of code in Sakai (13MB
> in the git repository). Also excluding metaobj and warehouse would save 20
> MB. I believe that all 3 of these projects should either be in svn contrib
> or in a completely separate github repository from the start.
> I think this is a fine idea as long as we can enable commits to continue
> within OSP trunk without opening up the rest of trunk.
> - Reference
>   By far the largest chunk of space in a checkout is the reference folder,
> occupying over 100MB alone on disk. Large portions of this are
> documentation, optional tools and optional skins not required to actually
> get Sakai to function. At Longsight, we keep reference in a separate
> repository (in github) and I believe it would be a good idea to also keep
> reference separate. I don't love the idea of submodules but I think it does
> make sense for reference since it would save a lot of time and space in a
> typical checkout.  Additionally help may also be useful to have a a
> submodule along with so it's easier to update and it seems like help is
> tied into the reference documentation. I could go either way with help.
> Splitting this out just because it is big seems not all that necessary.
> It is too bad we don't have time to remove the non-production bits and have
> them be elsewhere - but unless we can cleverly break this up I say just
> leave it in place.
> /Chuck
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