[Deploying Sakai] Sakai over HTTPS + HAPROXY

Miguel Carro Pellicer mcarro at entornosdeformacion.com
Wed Jan 21 08:12:10 PST 2015

Hi Subscribers,

Are someone using Sakai over HTTPS using HAPROXY? I have a weird problem 
with this configuration, some tools are not rendering properly because 
says they are under HTTP, despite the iframe is loaded under HTTPS....

The tools are gradebook, sections, chat, site-manage-participants, 
sitestats, sections....and some developed by myself using Wicket 6. I 
configured force.url.secure=443 and all the URLs are over HTTPS.

The problem is because we're trying to use HAPROXY as webserver, the 
connection between users and HAPROXY is over HTTPS, then HAPROXY 
communicates with tomcat using HTTP.

Here is the HA configuration:

frontend https
         bind                    X.X.X.X:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/X.pem
         option                  dontlognull
	reqadd 			X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
         default_backend         sakai_https
         use_backend             sakai_https     if { ssl_fc_sni XXXXX }
         use_backend             sakai_https     if { ssl_fc_sni XXXXX }
backend sakai_https
         mode                    http
	#http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if  { ssl_fc }
	#http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https  if !{ ssl_fc }
	redirect scheme https 	if !{ ssl_fc }
         balance                 source
	option 			http-server-close
	option 			forwardfor header X-Real-IP
         timeout connect         30000
         timeout server          30000
	rspirep 		^Location:\ http://(.*):80(.*)  Location:\ https://\1:443\2
	rspirep 		^(set-cookie:.*)  \1;\ Secure
         retries                 2
	option                  httpchk HEAD /content/monty/3e3e4r5tw.html HTTP/1.0
         server                  sakai01 X.X.X.X:8080 check inter 5000
         server                  sakai02 X.X.X.X:8080 check inter 50000

Thanks for any help, Miguel

Miguel Carro Pellicer

Miguel Carro 
/CTO Entornos de Formación S.L./

Phone: +34 - 686266485
Email: mcarro at entornosdeformacion.com 
<mailto:mcarro at entornosdeformacion.com>

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