[Deploying Sakai] Sakai CLE 2.9.3 released

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Thu Aug 22 09:15:21 PDT 2013

[announcements, production, sakai-user, dev, qa, i18n, accessibility, documentation, end-user-support]

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce, on behalf of the world-wide community, the release of Sakai CLE 2.9.3 . Sakai CLE 2.9.3 builds on the previous Sakai 2.9.x releases and includes significant improvements including, but not limited to, the following:

* AntiSamy - better security infrastructure, added in CLE 2.9.2, turned on by default in CLE 2.9.3. AntiSamy helps prevent malicious HTML/CSS/Javascript code from causing problems with your system

* WebDav - Improved WebDav-client support and compatibility

* Online Help - continued updates to the online help documentation

* Gradebook API bug fix - affected the Lessons tool, and some Contrib tools (like Mneme and JForum) that in some cases prevented students from seeing the grades assigned from these tools and does not include these grades in the course grade calculation. Bug introduced in CLE 2.9.1 and CLE 2.9.2, fixed in CLE 2.9.3 .

* Translations - improved coverage for select languages

* Samigo (Test and Quizzes) - fixed error correction flaw for Fill-in-the-blank question types. 

* Lessons tool improvements - including better handling of multimedia files; works better with AntiSamy, by default using system-wide AntiSamy settings; improved utilization of Sakai Groups capability

Over 100 fixes are included for this release. 

Complete release notes at - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Sakai+CLE+2.9+release+notes

Best regards, 

Neal Caidin
Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype: nealkdin
Twitter: ncaidin

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