[DG: Teaching & Learning] Importing IMS QTI 1.2 test bank

Shirley Birenz ssb254 at nyu.edu
Sat Sep 6 09:34:11 PDT 2014

I am trying to import test banks into our Sakai LMS that are created in
Wimba Diploma 6.72 and getting an error message.
" There was an error importing this assessment. Ensure that the file is
correctly formatted IMS QTI "

I have checked with Wimba Diploma and the file is a standard IMS QTI
formatted zip file.

I also realize that the import request is for a file that is an "Export
from this (or other Sakai) system". Wimba Diploma is not a Sakai system.
Though, I have researched IMS QTI and there are standards for that file.

I have also tried to import the test bank as an archive file and get the
same message. ITS here at NYU have not found any way to work around this
problem and I have 69 test banks to import. I really do not wish to type
them all.

Can anyone recommend a solution or help?

Shirley S. Birenz, RDH, MS, FAADH
Clinical Instructor
NYU College of Dentistry
Dental Hygiene Programs
Veteran's Administration Building
423 East 23rd Street, Room 204
New York, NY 10010
ssb254 at nyu.edu
201-819-9112 cell
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