[DG: Teaching & Learning] Webinar Recording - Using Jira for Sakai : Searching, Tracking and Submitting Jira issues

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Mon Oct 14 12:19:09 PDT 2013

Dear Community,

Aaron Zeckoski, Unicon and Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation, led a Webinar on some practical aspects of using Jira for Sakai.  In this email are links to the recording of this Webinar plus other related information, including notes taken by a member of the Sakai Teaching and Learning community. 

Recording of the Sakai Jira Webinar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLZZ5daJgNo

Notes taken from the Webinar - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/PED/Sakai+Jira+Training+10-9-13

One question came up on the Webinar that we were not sure about:

Question:  Does Jira search the Comments of a ticket?

Answer: Yes, by default from the "Contains Text" in Basic searching.  From Jira documentation - "Searching against specified text — Enter the desired text in the 'Contains text' text box and press Enter/Return on your keyboard. The Summary, Description, Comments, Environment fields and all text-based custom fields will be searched. You can use modifiers in your search text, such as wildcards and logical operators, see Performing Text Searches."

Official Jira Documentation (Performing Text Searches) : https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA052/Performing+Text+Searches

We are on version 5.2 of Jira if you wish to explore Atlassian's documentation in more depth. 

Note: Atlassian makes Jira, Confluence (our wiki) and other software that our community uses and is one of our software partners and deserve special thanks. 


Neal Caidin
Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype: nealkdin
Twitter: ncaidin

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