[DG: Teaching & Learning] Today's Sakai Teaching and Learning Call

Josh Baron Josh.Baron at marist.edu
Wed Oct 2 07:55:03 PDT 2013


First, my thanks to Yitna for helping to organize and facilitate the call 
last week while I was traveling.  I'm sure others helped out and I know 
that there was a good discussion so my thanks to everyone for their help 
and participation.  It was also great to see the announcement from Neal 
and Aaron regarding the JIRA training session they have been working to 

Based on the notes and some updates from Yitna, I thought I might suggest 
that we split the call time and spend the first part checking in to see 
how we're feeling about the initial preliminary feedback on the 
Lessons/Lesson Builder tool that was discussed last week and then use some 
of the call to discuss next steps towards plans to begin some light weight 
usability testing.  As always, I'm more than open to other agenda items.

One of the things that I'd like to discuss related to the preliminary list 
of feedback, is how we might move towards describing issues from more of a 
user-need perspective than a "feature request" approach.  This was 
something that we worked on when developing the Teaching and Learning 
Design Lenses and from that experience I know that it is both a difficult 
thing to do and also not something that is of obvious value 
initially...but as we move forward I think it will become clear how 
important it is in ending up with solutions that meet a diverse set of 
users needs.  To help illustrate how we might do this on a practical 
level, I've updated the Lessons Suggestion page (
https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/xQvzB) under the "Resource" bullet 
and turned the prior comment into more of a "user need" description.  I'm 
sure I didn't do this perfectly but it should provide a concrete example 
of the approach I'm talking about.

OK, enough rambling for now....below is dial in information.

Dial-In Information:
Within United States: 1-888-447-7153
International: 1-719-387-1138
Participant Code: 917798 (then hit "#")

Confluence page with link to Etherpad for Notetaking: 

Joshua Baron
Senior Academic Technology Officer
Marist College
Poughkeepsie, New York  12601
(845) 575-3623 (work)
Twitter: JoshBaron
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