[DG: Teaching & Learning] portfolios, OAE, and a new verb: curate?

John Norman john at caret.cam.ac.uk
Sat Apr 2 04:59:06 PDT 2011

I believe this model is in the design thinking through 'placements'. When a resource is used in a page it should be through a 'placement' so that resource metadata can be maintained independently of metadata related to a placement. As a simple example, if a simple image is uploaded and used in a blog post, but shared more widely on upload, then metatdata like upload time, image size, etc. should be stored with the image. If in the blog post the image also acquires some contextual metadata (e.g. image 1 in a series of 4), that is stored with the placement in the blog post. A person discovering the image via the available resource store would not get the blog-context-specific metadata, but could create context metadata of their own when they place the image into a new context.

This was all discussed a long time ago. I don't know how close we are to including this in our implementations.


On 31 Mar 2011, at 14:35, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

> I don't really have experience working with ePortfolios, but am
> wondering about something that might have bearing on how they fit in
> OAE:
> Could we not say that much of what happens in a portfolio comes down
> to curating content?
> Consider two different use cases:
> 1) an art history professor is teaching a course and would like to
> setup a gallery of images for her student. She selects them from her
> content repository, but then wants to add course-specific captions.
> 2) student wants to pull in a blog post from a course for their
> portfolio, and needs to add a reflective description of the context of
> that choice.
> My question: don't these two cases have more-or-less the same
> requirements: the ability to curate content with
> context/audience-specific annotation/captioning?
> I haven't seen a notion of curation in existing documentation (say the
> design lenses); just wondering if it's useful.
> I also worry a bit about thinking about portfolios as too distinct
> from the core needs of OAE or both may suffer.
> Bruce
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