[DG: Teaching & Learning] Learning Capabilities Theme Counts and Theme Sheets

Ward, Lynn E. leward at iupui.edu
Thu Mar 4 07:56:39 PST 2010

Hi Everyone,

During yesterday's meeting, I agreed to run counts on the Learning Capabilities to indicate how many reviewers assigned each theme to each row in the spreadsheet.  I ran the counts in Excel this morning and then pasted the results back to the Google doc.  I then created a 7 copies of the main sheet, one for each theme, ran a descending sort on the theme count, and deleted all of the items that had a count of 0.  So now, in addition to a sortable master, we have a separate sheet for each theme that contains only the items that were assigned to that theme by one or more people.

Hopefully these changes will put us on a good position to begin the next phases of our work.    Please take a look and let me know if you see any obvious problems.


Lynn Ward, Principal Systems Analyst, Academic and Faculty Services
University Information Technology Services<http://uits.iu.edu/>
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Information Technology and Communications Complex (IT 218R)
535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 317-278-5713  E-mail: leward at iupui.edu<mailto:leward at iupui.edu>

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