[DG: Teaching & Learning] Sakai 2009 PreConference "Fame, Shame, Frame" Session

Robin Hill hill at uwyo.edu
Tue Apr 28 12:58:54 PDT 2009

To those who have volunteered to present "Five Minutes of Fame, Five 
Minutes of Shame, Five Minutes to Frame" at the Sakai conference in Boston--

Please add just a few details on the Confluence page where we are 
assembling the participants and topics:

We'd like to have your institution and a very brief note describing your 
points.  I have filled out an entry as a model.

You're not compelled to provide points for all topics, and we can't 
provide the "Frame" part unless and until our presentations are accepted 
by the conference committee.

Others in the Sakai Teaching and Learning group, consider adding 
yourself to the list of presenters, to share your own brief anecdotes.

   Robin Hill, Ph.D.       hill at uwyo.edu       307-766-5499
   Instructional Computing Services            http://www.uwyo.edu/ctl
   Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning   University of Wyoming

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