[DG: Open Forum] A former Sakai collaborator in the news

James Eng jimeng at umich.edu
Fri Jun 20 05:37:16 PDT 2014

If I recall correctly, John Dehlin and David Wiley presented at an early
Sakai conference, when they was working on Open CourseWare at Utah State.

Here is a NYT article from yesterday that touches on some of what John
Dehlin has been up to lately.


For anyone wanting to catch up, John is on facebook:

There have been a number of stories about John's MormonStories blog (and
related blogs he manages) on television and radio and in newspapers in
recent weeks. If you wants links, I can provide them (yeah, by copying and
pasting from facebook).

And John is in wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dehlin

Jim Eng
jimeng at umich.edu
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