[DG: Open Forum] Sakai OAE Update

Matthew Jones jonespm at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 18:41:53 PDT 2012

This sounds like good news, thanks for the update Nicolaas. Node.js seemed
like a great fit for this application, too bad it didn't exist back at the
beginning of the project. It could especially be good long term if you can
eventually run something like "http://nowjs.com/" to run some of the client
code back on the server again. This was a problem I remember seeing with
previous versions of OAE on certain machines.

Also, have you seem the Express JS framework? (http://expressjs.com/)
Etherpad Lite recently switched to it, and it's inspired by Sinatra, which
ended up resulted in Padrino, a framework that made me love Ruby after
years of hating it because of Rails! :) I was skeptical of the Etherpad
rewrite too but it's finally starting to look pretty good after a year in

Looking forward to the next update!

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Nicolaas Matthijs <
nicolaas.matthijs at caret.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> As most of you know, a number of Sakai OAE stakeholder organizations have
> withdrawn from the managed project over the last 6 months.  Key reasons
> cited for these departures include:
> - Concerns about the scalability and viability of the Nakamura architecture
> - Slower than desired progress on feature development
> - Misalignments between stakeholders
> These withdrawals have had a significant negative impact on the level of
> financial and in-kind contributions underwriting the development team.  In
> addition, reports from piloting institutions together with performance test
> data produced by the team have made it clear that OAE’s performance and
> scalability characteristics leave much to be desired.  While sufficient for
> small-scale pilots involving a few thousand users, OAE’s performance under
> load is wholly insufficient for adopters considering an enterprise
> production deployment supporting tens of thousands of users and above,
> including the web-scale deployments we are likely to see in the future.
>  Upgrading between versions also remains a challenging exercise for
> operations teams.  While the remaining stakeholders believe that the
> concepts embodied in OAE’s design work remain relevant and valuable,
> current circumstances dictate that we adopt a new technical approach.
> In late August we recommended to the project stakeholders that the managed
> project cease development on OAE Nakamura, setting aside its technical debt
> in favor of a re-engineered back-end that re-positions the project as a
> multi-tenant, highly scalable, cloud-ready application.  The strategy that
> we set out involves an initial and temporary reduction in application
> scope; existing features will be disabled until their corresponding
> back-end services have been recreated.  Our proposal was accepted, and in
> early September a reconstructed and considerably leaner project team
> commenced work on providing a new back-end architecture written in node.js
> and using Apache Cassandra for persistence.[1]  The code is licensed ECL
> 2.0 and is publicly available in a Github repo named “Hilary”.[2]
>  Additional repos have been created for the test data model loader, Tsung
> performance tests, nightly performance test scripts and puppet deployment
> scripts.[3]
> We have retained OmniTI, a web performance and scalability consultancy, to
> help guide our work.  A series of one-week sprints have been organized in
> order to keep the pace of development high as well as allowing for quick
> resets under the “fail fast” rule.  We start from a set of purposefully
> designed and documented REST APIs (see attachment).  Each REST API and its
> accompanying internal service will include unit and integration tests. The
> team will set up and maintain a reference deployment in the cloud, on which
> extensive nightly performance tests will be run. The existing UI,
> benefiting from a number of client-side performance improvements included
> in the OAE 1.4.0 release, will be retained along with the Widget Library
> and SDK.  Administrative UIs will be added and there's also a desire to
> start introducing some of the new unimplemented UI designs along the way,
> as these have been through several rounds of usability testing and were
> presented to the community at the summer Sakai/Jasig conference.
> The team has set itself a mid-December deadline--with intermediate
> deadlines and sanity checks along the way--to produce working code that
> demonstrates that the chosen path is viable.  Attached is the September
> progress report outlining the first 30 days of work along with our API doc
> and “alternative scenarios” proposal.  While the proposed architecture
> remains under evaluation and could change, we believe that our
> recommendation to retire OAE Nakamura in favor of a re-architected
> multi-tenant, cloud-ready platform featuring  purposefully designed REST
> APIs and services that are properly instrumented and continually measured
> is the right approach to take.
> Kind regards,
> Nicolaas and Anthony
> [1] http://nodejs.org/, http://cassandra.apache.org/
> [2] https://github.com/sakaiproject/Hilary
> [3] https://github.com/sakaiproject/OAE-model-loader,
> https://github.com/sakaiproject/node-oae-tsung,
> https://github.com/sakaiproject/oae-nightly-stats,
> https://github.com/sakaiproject/puppet-hilary
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