[WG: I18N & L10N] new strings for lessons

Charles Hedrick hedrick at rutgers.edu
Thu Feb 27 08:05:40 PST 2014

I had to add 2 strings a few days after the string freeze:

simplepage.dont-show-downloads=Don't show download links for embedded videos, etc. (This setting applies to all pages in this site.)
simplepage.access-group=Access: {}

I actually added the English to all the localizations for the second one, since the code would break seriously with no entry. The English is currently hard-coded, so that doesn’t change any behavior.

Note that simplepage.acess-group is a naming pattern for the groups created to control access to tests and assignments. {} will be replaced with the name of the test or assignment. The entire name will be truncated at 99 characters because of restrictions on group name length. In the old code, I actually checked for names starting with Access:, so I couldn’t allow you to change the naming pattern. I’m now using a group property to show which groups I created for access control, so you can use any naming pattern you like.
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