[WG: I18N & L10N] Localization of date time format

Magnus Tagesson magnus.tagesson at su.se
Tue Nov 22 04:45:24 PST 2011

Hi all,

Umeå University and Stockholm University have decided to try to solve the localization of date and time once for all in Sakai (at least in all modules used by any of the two universities). Different tools use different frameworks and this means different solutions to the problem. Changes to the Time service in the kernel to configure the default fomat from the chosen locale solve some issues with displaying date and time. For date/time input issues the plan is to use jquery UI which requires the use of a fairly newer version of jquery. This supports a date/time picker that we would like to implement in the tools that use this javascript library.

It's necessary, mostly from a developer resource perspective, to make a priority list, that takes both importance and date/time usage in tools, but also the level of ambition, into account. The latter means that we might solve the display of dates and time to users but not the actual picking/entering of date/time in all tools.

The intention is to solve this for all locales, and absolutely not to break anything that already works. We'd like to see that things defaults back to how things work and are seen/shown today, with the exception of the use of a new picker. But every Sakai tool project lead off course has to review the work done by us.

At this point, any input are highly welcome!

/Johan and Magnus

Johan Carlsson
Project lead, Umeå

Magnus Tagesson
Project lead, Stockholm
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