[gradebook2-dev] Gradebook2: Display of total running points feature question

Zhang, Ruiling rlzhang at exchange.vt.edu
Wed Jul 17 05:48:38 PDT 2013

Great.  Thanks!

On 7/16/13 5:19 PM, "Qu, Yuanhua" <yq12 at txstate.edu> wrote:

>Student will see the total points once the gradebook is setup to release
>grades (or release total points if you applied GRBK-1242).
>I've copied to gb2 dev list so that others may benefit and also hopefully
>could push into the code base soon.
>On 7/16/13 4:09 PM, "Zhang, Ruiling" <rlzhang at exchange.vt.edu> wrote:
>>Hi Qu,
>>I just applied the three patches you mentioned on my local environment.
>>Looks great.  There is one place I am not sure is that you mentioned that
>>the total score will be displayed under in student's view when Course
>>Grade is release to student.  I tried set the score as 'Released items',
>>while still could not see the total points when I click 'view as
>>student'on stduent's summary view. Is some place I am missing to setup?
>>Thanks for your help in advance.
>>On 7/16/13 11:39 AM, "Qu, Yuanhua" <yq12 at txstate.edu> wrote:
>>>Hi Ruiling
>>>You should get total points feature by only applying the 3 patch files
>>>attached to GRBK 538.
>>>Let me know if you need more clarification or have issues applying them.
>>>Thanks for asking. Glad that you like this feature. Could you let me
>>>which university you are doing this for?
>>>On 7/16/13 10:32 AM, "Zhang, Ruiling" <rlzhang at exchange.vt.edu> wrote:
>>>>Hello Mr. Qu,
>>>> I am a new Application developer working on sakai. Currently we are
>>>>interested to have an improment feature to display total running points
>>>>for students in GradeBook.  We noted that you implemented the similar
>>>>feature (GRBK 538), which was also presented at June's conference.  I'd
>>>>like to apply your implenmentation locally to quick check the feature
>>>>here, but am not sure the most updated patches versions you attached
>>>>need your help.
>>>> We just upgraded to community 2.9.x.  Except for the three patches
>>>>attached on GRBK 538 needed to apply here
>>>>sakaigb2totalpoints_trunk_r78424_updated.patch ),  do I need any other
>>>>file patch under edu_service, since you commented there are also some
>>>>changes under edu-service (GRBK-1242)?    Or the patches attached
>>>>GRBK-1242 are only for including release items Configurable feature?
>>>>Just want to double check with you to ensure I apply all the patches
>>>>needed for the displaying total pt feature.
>>>>Thanks for your help and early reply in advance.
>>>>Ruiling Zhang

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