[gradebook2-dev] GRBK-894 groundwork for exporting multiple selected sections

Jon Gorrono jpgorrono at ucdavis.edu
Wed Mar 16 15:34:20 PDT 2011

The current getRoster API method has a since sectionUid String param
(GRBK-525 just built onto that)... in order to get a list of section
uids (for GRBK-894) in there I propose to use a comma separated list
as the String value for sectionUid and change the name and description
of the param

otherwise we would have to add a new method signature and deprecate the old.

public Roster getRoster(String gradebookUid, Long gradebookId,
			Integer numberLimit, Integer numberOffset, String sectionUuid,
			String searchCriteria, String searchField, String sortField,
boolean includeCMId, boolean isDescending, boolean isShowWeighted)

.. I'll start coding that way for GRBK-894 so shout if you think it
ought to be a separate method

Jon Gorrono
PGP Key: 0x5434509D -
GSWoT Introducer - {GSWoT:US75 5434509D Jon P. Gorrono <jpgorrono - gswot.org>}

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