[Contrib: Evaluation System] EVALSYS-1179 , EVALSYS-765 - Eval responses fail silently with 'submission confirmation'' email enabled

Will Humphries Will.Humphries at tufts.edu
Tue Jun 19 13:00:42 PDT 2012

I think we may want to reopen EVALSYS-1179 or EVALSYS-765. The default 
text for the 'Eval submitted' e-mail template has a syntax error in its 
markup, which causes response saving to fail silently when sending that 
e-mail is enabled.

I left a comment on EVALSYS-1179 which describes the issue I found, and 
a patch that I think fixes it. The bug has the same symptoms as 
EVALSYS-1179, but the patch changes code from EVALSYS-765, fwiw.

I'm pretty sure this fix won't do anything for existing eval instances - 
the broken template text will have to be changed in the UI, or through sql.


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