[Contrib: Evaluation System] Design review notes & feedback timeline

Daphne Ogle daphne at media.berkeley.edu
Thu Feb 2 10:34:23 PST 2012

Hi all,

We had a design review last Friday to go over the changes we, at  
Berkeley (with the help of Unicon development), are proposing.  The  
intent was to also talk about the 1.4 release but we didn't feel we  
had a critical mass for that discussion.

I've posted notes from the review on Berkeley's confluence, [1].  I  
also added a table summary of the design changes proposed for trunk  
for a quick view, [2], under the Design review section.  Please also  
see the meeting notes for a brief description of our plans ongoing.

We realize it was hard for people to attend the meeting as everyone is  
busy with the start of their semesters and other things.  Please do  
review the referred pages and give any feedback by Friday, January  
10.   I will assume silence means people are on board with these  

Looking forward to continuing to work with you all and make  
incremental improvements for our users!

[1] https://confluence.media.berkeley.edu/confluence/display/EVAL/Eval+Sys+Community+Design+Review+-+Friday%2C+January+27%2C+2012
[2] https://confluence.media.berkeley.edu/confluence/display/EVAL/Design


Daphne Ogle-Glenn
Senior Interaction Designer
University of California, Berkeley
Educational Technology Services
daphne at media.berkeley.edu
cell (925)348-4372

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