[Contrib: Evaluation System] EvalSys panel discussion at Sakai11

Nicola Monat-Jacobs nicola at longsight.com
Tue Mar 15 10:53:08 PDT 2011

I think we should report on the work of this group at Sakai11. Also, I'm always surprised to hear when people say they didn't know about the EvalSys tool - so perhaps an overview of the tool, what it does, how people use it?

Many new features and even more coming in 1.4, could be a good session.

Also, at Denver we had a BoF/working group session right after the official session....not sure if we need to do it right after, but I think it would be good for all of us to get together and discuss logistics like last time.

I'm happy to submit the proposal. Thoughts?

- Nicola

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