[Contrib: Evaluation System] Missing eval_config value causes startup to fail

Jim Eng jimeng at umich.edu
Fri Jan 28 08:39:35 PST 2011

Some recent changes to the PreloadDataImpl class in evalsys are causing startup of sakai to fail if any eval_config values are missing from the database and auto-ddl is not enabled.  These changes were committed under the following ticket:


The log message before spring destroys all the beans says this:

Error creating bean with name 'org.sakaiproject.evaluation.dao.EvalDataPreloaderImpl#0' defined in file [/usr/local/sakai/components/sakai-evaluation-pack/WEB-INF/components.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Preloaded data is missing, evaluation cannot start up in this state, you must either enable the auto.ddl flag or preload the critical system data (config settings, email templates, scales) manually, evaluation system shutting down...

There are no messages to indicate which data is missing.  

We are having trouble getting a test server started because of this.  

I suggest we back out all changes committed under EVALSYS-968 until the problems with those changes are fixed.


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