[Contrib: Evaluation System] Can evalsys depend on emailtemplateservice?

Aaron Zeckoski azeckoski at unicon.net
Mon Jan 17 16:39:12 PST 2011

Actually, email template service was basically copied from the eval
email handling code that I wrote. David made some changes after that
so I will let him comment on those. A quick glance shows that the code
in eval trunk is pretty much the stuff I put in there years ago

There have been tweaks to both since them but they are still quite similar.

I don't really see much of a win to adding a dependency on an external
package but as long as loading the initial templates is not too tricky
then it should be fine.


On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Jim Eng <jimeng at umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi Aaron and David,
> I am working on EVALSYS-1055, and I've noticed that you worked on emailtemplateservice a few years ago. I haven't gotten deep into the rendering code in the current impl of the eval email logic classes Dick wrote a few years ago, but it seems they both use freemarker templates and probably contain roughly the same code in places.  I'm wondering whether it might make sense to call emailtemplateservice for storing eval email templates and then for getting the rendered templates. To the extent that there is duplicate code in evalsys, it would be eliminated, but it would create a new dependency for evalsys.  I'd appreciate your opinions on this.
> Background: EVALSYS-1055 is an umbrella for improving the current email notifications in evalsys. Dick Ellis implemented significant improvements in email processing after Michigan branched from evalsys.  In part that was a big performance improvement due to the way in which database queries supplied info for creating emails.  Another part was in creating one email per user per template per day (rather than sending multiple emails to the same user).
> Thanks.
> Jim
> https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/EVALSYS-1055

Aaron Zeckoski - Software Engineer - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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