[cle-release-team] Status of Proposals for Sakai 10

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Jan 8 06:59:29 PST 2014

[pmc and sakai release team]

Hi all,

Many of the new features for Sakai 10 are on their way, including the 
ones that are in the PMC decision register [1] and the ones on a Jira 
created to capture new features not requiring a proposal [2].

Our cutoff date to complete features is less than 2 weeks away [3] .

There are still several decisions that I'm not 100% clear about on next 
steps (in some cases, even whether the decision has been made).

a) Yale signup tool - showing "In Progress" on the decision register. I 
believe this one passed. Based on discussions with Anthony and the Yale 
crew, I believe this is moving forward with the first step being to get 
the license consistently updated (which Anth is helping with). Yale is 
either ready, or really close to ready to contribute the code after 
that. I presume the next steps, after the license is updated and then 
someone with commit permissions to integrate it into core (and all 
related sub-tasks)? Do we have somebody tasked with doing that? My sense 
is that this is in pretty good shape overall though? Is anyone doing a 
review a la' Steve Swinsburg's review of the Edia Skin Manager?

b) Edia skin manager - this one has a couple of -1's with specific 
concerns raised [4] . At the moment this does not appear headed for 
Sakai 10. However, in conversations with Anth and Alan B. it seems as 
though there still could be some hope if the concerns can be addressed 
in time?

c) Beth suggestions (I think these both passed, but neither is on the 
register yet) -

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-25371 - Print for Content 
Resources. Not on the decision register, but I think this passed? Some 
documentation has been added, per the Jira, in the form of readme text. 
Is this sufficient to address concerns? What should go into Confluence 
Release notes?

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22384 - Add MathJax. Seems like 
this passed as well? But there seems to be ongoing debate on the Jira 
about the best approach to take? Seems like this would need to be 
settled quickly to have time to get this in.

[1] PMC Decision Register - 

[2] Jira for new features requiring a less formal review process - 

[3] Target date for feature code completion is January 17 - 

[4] Concerns raised for Edia skin manager - 


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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