[cle-release-team] Summary of version management and a little help please

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Sat Feb 22 08:44:16 PST 2014

Yea, right. And if you have a problem with the filter. You can use the JQL
Tricks plugin that is installed updated with the search term

AND fixVersion in versionMatches("10.*")

Which will return all of the qa versions for everything, when/if you ever
need to make bulk changes.

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Anthony Whyte <arwhyte at umich.edu> wrote:

> The fix version should map to the versions we intend to tag/release:
> 10-qa03, 10-qa04 . . . 10.0, 10.1 . . . 11.0 . . . 20.0 . . . .
> anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan |
> arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228
> On Feb 22, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Neal Caidin wrote:
> Or for fix version.... maybe the actual fix version for now (qa01, qa02,
> qa03, etc)?  Eventually, it will all switch over to 10.0 though, right?
> Thanks!
> Neal
>   Neal Caidin <neal.caidin at apereo.org>
>  February 22, 2014 at 11:11 AM
>  The Help needed section still applies. However, I did find that if I
> archive older versions (2.7.x and earlier) that I can do a change to the
> affected version and it will not delete archived versions, only
> non-archived versions. So that helps. Then I'm using Jira export so I can
> review data in Excel and create some custom filters. Still a huge pain and
> not particularly efficient (just more efficient than going one-by-one on
> issues).
> New thought. Fix version, what to do with it?
> Treat the same as Affects version or just throw a 10.0 [tentative] into
> it?
>   Neal Caidin <neal.caidin at apereo.org>
>  February 20, 2014 at 1:24 PM
> [Sakai release team]
> Before I make a broad announcement of how we are managing Jira affected
> version and fix versions for Sakai 10, I wanted to summarize to make sure
> I've got it right and ask for help on an administrative issue related to
> implementing this approach.
> Summary
> ------------------------
> Jira Projects affected by this process: SAK, LSNBLDR, KNL, SAMIGO, POLLS,
> PRFL (Profile 2), SRCH (Search), and STAT (SiteStats)
> 1) The merge flag for Sakai 10 is called "10 status", which deviates a
> little from the old style of Sakai 2.9 and earlier of "2.9.x status",
> "2.8.x status" , etc.  This has already been changed in Jira. The field
> value meanings are still the same : None, Merge , Resolved, Won't fix
> 2) As the next QA iteration occurs, we will be changing the affected
> version of existing issues to the latest QA version and archiving the older
> QA versions so that they will not be selectable as an affects or fix
> version on newly created issues. For example, when 10.0-qa03 is released,
> the affected version for anything related to Sakai 10 will move to
> 10.0-qa03 as the affected version. Immediately, 10.0-qa01 will be archived,
> and shortly thereafter 10.0-qa02 will be archived as well (after most or
> all of the QA servers have moved to the qa03 tag). There will be no 10.0
> version or 10.0 [tentative] version used. Everything should reflect the
> latest stage of QA.
> 3) I've already created a 10.0-qa04 Jira version in anticipation of
> 10.0-qa03 tag being cut. Issues fixed after 10.0-qa03 is cut should use
> 10.0-qa04 as the fix version and have 10.0-qa03 as the affected version.
> Help needed from Sakai release team
> ------------------------------------------------------
> So, I ran a quick test on one of my own issues. If I do a bulk update on
> the Affected version, the bulk operation is a full replacement, deleting
> any existing fix versions. Since many issues have multiple affected
> versions (e.g. a number of issues have an affected version of 2.9.3 and
> 10.0-qa01; some issues have many affects versions), doing a bulk update
> operation will remove ALL the affected versions and replace with the one
> new version.
> That kind of seems bad. Any suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Neal
> --
> Neal Caidin
> Sakai Community Coordinator
> Apereo Foundation
> neal.caidin at apereo.org
> Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin
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