[cle-release-team] Status of 2.9.1 RC01 as of Friday, 30 Nov

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Fri Nov 30 06:49:07 PST 2012

[sent to QA, Dev, CLE Release, and TCC lists]

Hi All,

We are iffy (uncertain) at this point for the first Release Candidate for 2.9.1,  2.9.1-rc01,  for next Friday, Dec 7, but still possible. 

The two main issues are whether we will get the updated Help documentation integrated (SAK-22891). The other is a potential blocker for performance in the Gradebook - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22978 - "Performance issue with group member items in gradebook (SAK-19668)", which came out of the new 2.9 feature https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19668 - "Gradebook - Student Grade Report - items assigned to groups in Tests & Quizzes, Assignments, and Forums should only appear to group members". One or both of these issues (SAK-22891 and SAK-22978) could cause delays. Ideally, we would get both fixed. If SAK-22978 does not get fixed in time, we might want to consider whether to proceed with 2.9.1 anyway and fix this problem for 2.9.2. Just a thought. For now, let's wait and see what happens.

Otherwise, we have a lot of nice fixes for 2.9.1 .  I've made two temporary filters in Jira:

"2.9.1 Triage" - lists all the issues that are currently tagged for 2.9.1 (not all may make it). - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=13619
"2.9.1 Triage Review" - lists issues which may need additional review (development, testing, etc) to get into 2.9.1 - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=13620

At this moment we have 52 issues with the "291triage" tag, out of which 35 have been fixed and verified, with some already having been merged. 

The basic QA strategy will be to retest the issues that are merged into 2.9.1-RC01 and look for regressions around those merges.

Thanks for your attention.


Neal Caidin

Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Skype: nealkdin
AIM: ncaidin at aol.com

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