[cle-release-team] 2.8.2 release done - need input

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 19:17:14 PDT 2012

No, I noticed that last night when I tried to build an indie and it could find the artifact. Looking at that today.


On 07/06/2012, at 4:21 AM, Maurer, Christopher Wayne wrote:

> On a slightly related note…
> Did the regular 2.8.2 artifacts get released into any repo?  If not, any reason not to?
> Chris
> From: Steve Swinsburg <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>
> Date: Monday, June 4, 2012 7:49 PM
> To: David Horwitz <david.horwitz at uct.ac.za>
> Cc: "cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org" <cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org>
> Subject: Re: [cle-release-team] 2.8.2 release done - need input
> I've started up the demo and I have hit an issue with the email template service which fails the startup.
> 2012-06-05 09:42:47,843  WARN main org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: -104, SQLState: 23000
> 2012-06-05 09:42:47,843 ERROR main org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Violation of unique constraint SYS_CT_107: duplicate value(s) for column(s) TEMPLATE_KEY,TEMPLATE_LOCALE in statement [insert into EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ITEM (ID, LAST_MODIFIED, OWNER, SUBJECT, emailfrom, MESSAGE, HTMLMESSAGE, TEMPLATE_KEY, TEMPLATE_LOCALE, defaultType, VERSION) values (null, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]
> This is this issue:
> https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-21739
> Anything that inserts an email template into the DB is making this fail...
> On 04/06/2012, at 11:05 PM, Matthew Buckett wrote:
>> I think we came across this one and it was because the DB was not InnoDB.
>> On Jun 4, 2012 12:52 PM, "David Horwitz" <david.horwitz at uct.ac.za> wrote:
>>> it was the MysqlHibernate dialect - actually it was the ETS table - index to long.
>>> (the setup was last used to test 2.7)
>>> D
>>> On 06/04/2012 01:41 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>>>> What dialect are you using and what was the prob before? Was it the Sakai person table?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> S
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On 04/06/2012, at 8:07 PM, David Horwitz <david.horwitz at uct.ac.za> wrote:
>>>>> Its up at 
>>>>> qa1-za.sakaiproject.org
>>>>> started up with no issues ones I had updated the mysql hibernate dialect ...
>>>>> D
>>>>> On 06/04/2012 10:39 AM, David Horwitz wrote:
>>>>>> I'm going to bring the tag up on qa1-za.
>>>>>> I hope to get it done before I leave this eve for the US but will ping the list as soon as its up.
>>>>>> D
>>>>>> On 06/04/2012 09:35 AM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> The 2.8.2 release is done. This took a while because I had to squeeze it in around other work and had a few hiccups along the way which slowed me down but were eventually resolved.
>>>>>>> Anyway, I documented the entire process here:
>>>>>>> https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/~steve.swinsburg/sakai-2.8.2+release
>>>>>>> I abandoned the scripts that were used previously as they looked like they needed editing, and I didn't want to have to do that when I could just run some svn cp commands and edit some files, which were required to be done in the scripted process anyway.
>>>>>>> Total time spent on this is about 4-5 days. I could run through it again in 1.5-2 days I reckon. The thing that takes the longest is releasing the indies, some/most take over an hour to release and there are 22 of them. I was able to run about 4 concurrently.
>>>>>>> A build on a clean repo is successful.
>>>>>>> I am in the process of generating the download artifacts (bin/demo/src) and uploading them. Again I am running that manually which seems to be working fine. Fingers crossed.
>>>>>>> It does raise a question though, how much do the download artifacts get used? I've been thinking of a better way to do this, maybe for later releases...
>>>>>>> I've also created the release page but need some input on that:
>>>>>>> http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/2.8.2/
>>>>>>> Taglibs: Haven't been distributed since 2.6, and the bit of HTML that renders the link is commented out. So I assume its ok to leave them out.
>>>>>>> Javadocs: Will generate them for the core set of modules and upload them. Shouldn't be an issue.
>>>>>>> Release Notes in confluence:  Haven't been updated since 2.8.0. There are none for 2.8.1. They also duplicate a lot of the content in the install guide. What do you want to do for 2.8.2? 
>>>>>>> https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Sakai+CLE+2.8+Release+Notes
>>>>>>> I want this release done before I leave on Friday morning, so we have some news to announce at the conference. Can I get a list of people willign to test the artifacts once they are done?
>>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>>> Steve
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