[cle-release-team] [Building Sakai] Add/updating jars on the maven repository

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Wed Jul 11 14:48:16 PDT 2012

Generally, for 2.8, the snapshots aren't being refreshed for most of the
projects in the snapshots repository anymore, though they are for 2.9 and
trunk. This was because prior to 2.9, all artifacts were deployed using SCP
to source.sakaiproject.org to a flat file system (no repository manager)
and generally some manual intervention was needed. None of these old
projects were setup on the build server.

Also, prior to 2.9 the dependency resolution order (especially for indies)
wasn't entirely correct, so it would occasionally download snapshot
artifacts when you wanted to use the ones you built instead. This was
because we left out relativePath for parents and had some of the module
ordering wrong.

Those build changes weren't ever pushed back to 2.8, as all most build
resources, aside from Steve getting 2.8.2 out, are focused on 2.9+.

For example, the snapshots that are present for msgcntr haven't been
updated since 2010! So it would probably be bad if you relied on them in
your build, and we should probably just wipe this repository anyway

A few projects *are* still pushing snapshots,
(kernel/master/purepoms/search) and it's not super hard to have snapshots
for 2.8 be sent to the old repo (as they are for 2.9/trunk and the
credentials are still correct), it just was never really configured that
way automatically and would require a few hours of manual work on Jenkins
to get them all in there regularly. and make sure it was all working

You could set up a local repository manager like Nexus and deploy them
there if you wanted to avoid rebuilding them, I did that at Michigan for
some projects, it's pretty easy.

I'd be more concerned about breaking local builds if new snapshots started
appearing in the repos, but otherwise I agree with Steve that it's doable.


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Brian Baillargeon <bbailla2 at uwo.ca> wrote:

> Last week I created a patch and Bryan Holladay updated
> https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/msgcntr/branches/msgcntr-2.8.x/
> We'd like to pull down a compiled jar with Maven rather than keeping it
> in our svn .externals file and building it locally. Is it bad practice
> to put up a jar whose version ends with '-SNAPSHOT'? Is there a process
> to add/update jars in the maven repository?
> Thanks,
> Brian
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