[cle-release-team] Just a quick update on deployment

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Thu Feb 23 17:26:12 PST 2012

This work is being tracked against

Note: All of this will be documented more in confluence, I just don't have
time tonight to do it.

Today, I modified the trunk builds for kernel and master to include a
parent for sonatype as described in [1] The only thing that this pom really
includes is a new distributionManagement section and a repository pointing
to the oss.sonatype.org snapshot repo.
Here's the pom:

This is so that we can get our artifacts soon released and deployed to
maven central. I'll add the rest of the indies and 2.9 stuff tomorrow. It
will pick up this from master.

Since the cle-release team hasn't gotten sufficient access to the
builds.sakaiproject.org machine to setup the appropriate settings file,
Chris M installed Jenkins on the build server
http://source.sakaiproject.org:8080. This caused builds.sakaiproject.org to
not be able to deploy artifacts, so I removed the 'deploy' task from all of
the CLE builds on that server. The old distributionManagement is left in
there, but setup behind a profile so I could get builds.sakaiproject to
work again and deploy snapshots to the old location tomorrow if that's
still desired. I think it will be better just adding and deploying them all
to sonatype. The builds.sakaproject did have some good plugins and setup so
would be preferred to use that if it was still going to be a resource that
was available.

All of the local builds of trunk will still work fine, just the deployment
has changed so far. This is just for the few who might get warnings about
builds failing on builds.sakaiproject.org overnight.

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