[cle-release-team] Important information for trunk developers (SNAPSHOT artifacts)

Maurer, Christopher Wayne chmaurer at iupui.edu
Fri Apr 27 06:47:04 PDT 2012

Thanks Chuck.
It's still failing, now on scheduler:

Has anyone tried this on an empty repo lately?


On 4/27/12 9:14 AM, "Charles Hedrick" <hedrick at rutgers.edu> wrote:

>I'll fix it. One of my staff just uploaded a patch. I'm guessing he had
>the wrong pom file. Yesterday was his last day, so any future mistakes
>are mine.
>On Apr 27, 2012, at 8:41 AM, Aaron Zeckoski <azeckoski at unicon.net> wrote:
>> Looks like it to me.
>> -AZ
>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Maurer, Christopher Wayne
>> <chmaurer at iupui.edu> wrote:
>>> My trunk-all build is failing on lessonbuilder.  Looks like it's set
>>>for a
>>> master of 2.9-SNAPSHOT.  I imagine that should be updated to be
>>> 2.10-SNAPSHOT?
>>> Chris
>>> From: Matthew Jones <matthew at longsight.com>
>>> Date: Thursday, April 26, 2012 8:45 PM
>>> To: "cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org"
>>> <cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org>, dev sakai
>>> <sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org>
>>> Subject: [cle-release-team] Important information for trunk developers
>>> (SNAPSHOT artifacts)
>>> Just as a (short) notice to developers:
>>> A few issues were discussed on this mornings release call. This is
>>> for developers working on Sakai CLE trunk, and those who have contrib
>>> that they are expecting to work on 2.9+.
>>> There were two potential problems which I've resolved tonight that may
>>> you some issues with your local work.
>>> Quick summary:
>>> - If you're using https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/trunk/ use
>>> https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/branches/sakai-trunk-all/
>>> 1) Sakai 2.10-SNAPSHOT artifacts seemed to still be downloaded even
>>> newer ones were built. It was unsure if this was because of maven
>>> (mvn3 is recommended for trunk development) but as a short term
>>> all 2.10 SNAPSHOTS were removed from all repositories and no new
>>> for 2.10 will be deployed.
>>> This means that right
>>> now https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/trunk/ will probably if
>>> have a clean local repository and will be out of date quickly.
>>> You should instead
>>> use 
>>> We'll very likely switch trunk with trunk-all.
>>> What this does for you is downloads everything it needs from Sakai
>>> than downloading assemblies from core-deploy. These assemblies don't
>>> entirely make sense in trunk anyway because it changes so often. These
>>> assemblies will still be present for Sakai 2.9 and no changes are
>>> for 2.9 at least until the conference.
>>> Quick summary:
>>> - If you have an indie, switch parent from purepoms to master. If you
>>> some apis dependencies inherited through compile scope, these might be
>>> overridden by dependencyManagement in master so you may need to define
>>> dependencies.
>>> 2) Purepoms were removed from 2.9 and trunk after 2.9.0-b03 a few
>>> ago. If your contrib tool still uses a purepoms for 2.9 or 2.10
>>>snapshot it
>>> will no longer be able to find these artifacts.
>>> (https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-21564) Old artifacts for
>>> 2.9-SNAPSHOT and 2.10-SNAPSHOT were in
>>> source.sakaiproject.org/maven2-snapshots. These artifacts were up to 5
>>> months old. We had changed to deploying all artifacts releases and
>>> to maven central/sonatype, so if your tool had this repository defined
>>> need to update it.
>>> Ideally your tool can use a fixed release version of 2.9 (like
>>> That would be ideally what your parent looks like:
>>>    <parent>
>>>        <groupId>org.sakaiproject</groupId>
>>>        <artifactId>master</artifactId>
>>>        <version>2.9.0-b05</version>
>>>    </parent>
>>> You can use the version 2.9-SNAPSHOT which is in the repository, but
>>> 2.10-SNAPSHOT currently would require your users to download and build
>>> sakai-trunk-all to use. (As mentioned in Step #1)
>>> It was also noticed that some projects had dependencies defined in
>>> "api's" with no scope defined (so it got compile) and when the api was
>>> dependency in something else (like the impl or the tool) those other
>>> dependencies would be pulled in as transisitive dependencies. However,
>>> all api's are now defined in the master dependencyManagement as
>>> your tools dependencies may have to have these api's  explicitly
>>> Confused?
>>> Say you're the dashboard project and you used to inherit from purepoms.
>>> Switching to master alone will cause some dependencies to not be
>>>found. This
>>> is because in the dashboard-api there is:
>>> 	    <dependency>
>>> 		    <groupId>org.sakaiproject.assignment</groupId>
>>> 		    <artifactId>sakai-assignment-api</artifactId>
>>> 	        <version>${sakai.version}</version>
>>> 	    </dependency>
>>> After switching to master, this scope becomes "provided" instead of
>>> "compile" as it isn't defined here, and it won't work when you include
>>>it in
>>> impl. So you'd need to define these as provided in impl.
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>>> cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org
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>> -- 
>> Aaron Zeckoski - Software Architect - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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