[cle-release-team] sakai-2.9.0-a01 update

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Sun Oct 16 09:41:16 PDT 2011

I'm in the testing stage before cutting the tag.  I've generated all the indie releases (including a variety of new ones required in order to eliminate snapshot dependencies--the bulk of this work was performed in June/July 2011).  I was hoping to simply use kernel-1.3.0-a01, a release that Chris cut back on 03 October but it's out-of-date due to KNL-273 so I'll have to delete his tag and generate a new kernel-1.3.0-a01 tag to pick up changes that are required for the build.


trunk r99117

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Compilation failure

/Users/arwhyte/Development/svn/sakai/trunk/content/content-types/src/java/org/sakaiproject/content/types/FolderType.java:[101,65] cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable RESOURCES_ZIP_ENABLE
location: interface org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService
. . . .

I need kernel trunk r99118, r9912 (at a minimum).



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