[Announcements] Subversion upgrade - downtime needed

Speelmon, Lance Day lance at indiana.edu
Wed Oct 21 13:50:22 PDT 2009

Now that we have made it through svn testing successfully (i.e. all reported issues have been addressed), I would like to schedule the necessary downtime to migrate to the new svn server.

On this coming Tuesday, October 27th, the svn server will be unavailable from approximately 08:00 EDT (GMT-05:00) until 17:00 EDT.  While the migration may not require the entire day, we should plan on it.  If everything goes as planned, the outage will be approximately four hours.

The list will be notified once the migration is complete.  Thanks, L

Lance Speelmon
Scholarly Technologist

On Sep 22, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Speelmon, Lance Day wrote:

I need your help in testing the new subversion server: https://takeshi-test.uits.indiana.edu/svn/ over the next two weeks.  Please provide feedback in this thread.

<https://takeshi-test.uits.indiana.edu/svn/>Key points:

1) This is a brand new server (i.e. this is not an in-place upgrade).
2) This is a major svn upgrade (i.e. 1.2.3 --> 1.6.5) with major new functionality.

If testing goes well, an extended outage for the current server will be scheduled to allow full "svnadmin dumps" to be run on the various repositories, copying the dump files, loading dump files, and verifying new repositories.  The results of this process can be seen on the test server (i.e. minus taking the source server offline).  To help with this migration, please try to perform your typical svn operations against the new server - all of your svn usernames and passwords remain the same.  If you run into any trouble, please reply to this thread on list.  Let's give this a couple of weeks of testing and then schedule some down time.  Thanks, L

Lance Speelmon
Scholarly Technologist

On Aug 11, 2009, at 4:16 PM, Speelmon, Lance Day wrote:

We just added more space to svn, so this may change my conversion
plans.  I will report back after talking to Andrew Poland.  Best, L

Lance Speelmon
Scholarly Technologist

On Aug 7, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Michael Wenk wrote:


Is there any word on when this update will be done?  The contrib
repository being v1.2.3 is making it difficult to use some
tools(Fisheye/Crucible) and we would like to use these tools.


Speelmon, Lance Day wrote:

I have been testing an upgrade path to 1.6.x and hope to have that
implemented in the near future.  L

Lance Speelmon
Scholarly Technologist

On Jul 24, 2009, at 1:44 AM, Thomas Amsler wrote:

Are there any plans to upgrade the Sakai Foundation's Subversion?


They are both at v1.2.3. We are having issues to get our
crucible/fisheye instance to interact properly with this old

-- Thomas
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