[Announcements] Sakai Newsletter April 30, 2009

Margaret Wagner mwagner at umich.edu
Sat May 2 14:09:51 PDT 2009

Sakai Newsletter

April 30, 2009

1.  Update: The 10th Sakai Conference in Boston

2.  Sakai Fellows Nomination Deadline:  May 4

3.  Welcome Google Summer of Code Students

4.  Library-Sakai 3 Integration Discussion and Web Meetings

5.  rSmart Welcomes Seton Hall University

6.  Teaching with Sakai Pre-Conference Workshop

7.  Recent Email Group Discussions

8.  Events

1. Update: The 10th Sakai Conference in Boston

The deadline for proposal submission has passed and the committee is  
now beginning the process of reviewing and scheduling all of the  

Remember that the deadline for reduced registration and discounted  
hotel reservations is June 5.  Links to both can be found on the  
conference website: https://educonference.com/sakai/boston/index.php

If you need a letter of invitation from the Sakai Foundation for visa  
purposes, please contact Mary Miles (mmiles at umich.edu) as early as  

We look forward to seeing you at the conference in July!

Mary Miles
mmiles at umich.edu

2. Sakai Fellows Nomination Deadline:  May 4

This is a quick reminder that the nomination period for Sakai  
Fellowships closes soon. Please make sure to return the nomination  
forms for your nominees by this coming Monday, 4 May 2009.  You can  
read the original announcement, below.

Announcing the Sakai Fellows Program for 2009

The nominations for the Sakai Fellows Program for 2009 are now open.  
The nomination form is available here:http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/cS0 
.  As in the past, you can nominate others or self-nominate. Please  
return completed forms to me, knoop at umich.edu, by Monday, 4 May 2009.

The purpose of the Sakai Foundation Fellows Program is to acknowledge,  
celebrate and reward the contributions of important Sakai volunteer  
contributors. The Sakai Fellows program seeks to foster community  
leadership and contribution through recognizing and supporting active  
contributors. Contributors bring varied expertise to the community,  
including architecture, and the design and development of technology,  
best practices in teaching, learning, research and collaboration, and  
coordination of community functions. The purpose of the Sakai  
Foundation Fellows Program is to enable outstanding Sakai volunteer  
contributors and/or evangelists to continue and extend their  
involvement in Sakai by providing material resources to support their  
work. The Sakai Fellows program will recognize such contributions and  
support the efforts of the Fellows through a modest stipend. The  
contributions of the Fellows will be showcased across the boundaries  
of the current work/discussion group structures of Sakai, offering a  
way for the entire community to be introduced to areas of the project  
that they may not follow closely, and providing a view to the public  
of the peer leaders' endeavors within the Sakai community.

Highlights of the Sakai Fellows Program:

- Sakai Fellows are not permitted to reapply in the year after they  
serve.  (Sakai 2008 Fellows are ineligible for this year's  
competition. However, Sakai 2006/2007 Fellows are eligible.)

- There will be a total of 6 Sakai Fellow awards this year.

- Terms will be 1 year and the stipend will be $2500; conference  
registration fees will also be waived.

- The terms will start with the summer conference and go through the  
next summer's conference.

- Nominations are due by Monday, 4 May 2009.

You can read more about the Sakai Fellows Program, including reports  
from past recipients on their activities, here:


Also, thanks to those who have agreed to serve on the Sakai 2009  
Fellow Selection Committee:

Clay Fenlason
David Haines
Peter Knoop
Michael Korcuska
Seth Theriault
Anthony Whyte
Beth Kirschner
Stephen Marquard
Randy Newbrough

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Peter Knoop
Sakai Project Coordinator
knoop at umich.edu

3. Welcome Google Summer of Code Students

Congratulations to the following students, who have all been accepted  
to Google Summer of Code for Sakai.

Shashank Agrawal  (in-line editor for Sakai3; lead mentor Amyas  
Phillips at the University of Cambridge)

Andre Leger  (OpenSyllabus; lead mentor Claude Coulombe at Université  
de Montréal)

Yuri Vishnevsky  (Annotations system for Sakai3; lead mentor Oszkar  
Nagy at the University of Cambridge)

Also, many thanks to Ricardo Fleck, who despite not being selected for  
GSOC, has offered to work for Sakai on Workflow systems for Sakai3  
during the summer. Ricardo is studying in Brazil and has experience in  
user interface design, and we will mentor him as if he were a GSOC  

Thanks also to all our volunteer mentors (Oszkar Nagy, Amyas Phillips,  
Nicolaas Matthijs, and Claude Coulombe). You can find out more about  
GSOC here: http://socghop.appspot.com and if you have any queries  
about Sakai's participation, email Laura James (GSOC admin for Sakai)  
at laura at caret.cam.ac.uk

Laura James
laura at caret.cam.ac.uk

4. Library-Sakai 3 Integration Discussion and Web Meetings

Thank you to all who participated in the discussion of library  
integration with Sakai 3 on March 17.  We'd like to propose the  
following dates prior to the July conference to continue discussing  
Library-Sakai 3 integration. We'll use the Sakai 001 or 002 conference  
bridge and will send connection information and an agenda prior to the  

Thursday, May 28, 11am - 12:30pm EDT (GMT-4)

Tuesday, June 23, 11am - 12:30pm EDT (GMT-4)

Rather than create any new Sakai groups for discussion of library  
integration, we recommend that discussion take place on the sakai-user  
group.  If you need to join this group, information is available at:http://www.sakaiproject.org/portal/site/sakai-community/page/2dfab376-90af-4bc2-83bd-8743f80423dd

A confluence page has been created to support discussion of Library- 
Sakai 3 integration at:http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/SLIB/Sakai+3+and+Library+Integration 
   This page will continue to evolve as the discussion expands.

Please send feedback regarding the use of the sakai-user group,  
meeting schedule, and confluence page to Jon Dunn or Susan Hollar.


Jon Dunn
jwd at indiana.edu

Susan Hollar
shollar at umich.edu

5. rSmart Welcomes Seton Hall University

rSmart would like to welcome Seton Hall University to the Sakai  
Community as one of the more recent rSmart Sakai CLE support  
customers.  The Seton Hall University Teaching, Learning and  
Technology Center is excited to be conducting a pilot of Sakai.  
Because Sakai is an open-source product developed by educators for  
education, Sakai provides an engaging platform for learning and  
collaboration that will enhance SHU students' experiences and provide  
additional teaching tools for SHU faculty.  The expectation of faculty  
who are participating in this pilot is to explore practical teaching  
needs that Sakai might address (e.g., using the communication  
features, collaboration features, etc.), focus on the testing tools,  
and provide regular feedback about their experiences.

"The experience of using an open source product can be daunting unless  
you can partner with an organization that can guide you along the path  
to success," says Paul Fisher, Director, SHU Teaching, Learning and  
Technology Center. "rSmart has met all of our expectations. Having  
their support and expertise has had a tremendous impact on our ability  
to quickly get the software up and running and efficiently get our  
technologists up to speed on a completely new learning environment."

About Seton Hall -- Seton Hall University is a private Roman Catholic  
university in South Orange, New Jersey. Founded in 1856 by Archbishop  
James Roosevelt Bayley, Seton Hall is the oldest diocesan university  
in the United States.  Seton Hall is made up of nine different schools  
and colleges with an undergraduate enrollment of about 5,200 students  
and a graduate enrollment of about 4,500.

Mike Zackrison
VP of Marketing and Strategy
rSmart www.rsmart.com
mike.zackrison at rsmart.com

6. Teaching with Sakai Pre-Conference Workshop

Greetings everyone!

A number of folks in the community have started to work on a pre- 
conference half-day workshop on "teaching with Sakai" that will build  
on what was done at last year's conference in Paris.  Robin Hill has  
set up a conference page for the session, which we've titled "Five  
Minutes of Fame, Shame and to Frame," where you can see what others  
plan to present and also sign up to participate.  The concept is to  
have a "round robin" type of session in which a number of people would  
give very brief presentations that would relate to longer sessions  
that will be taking place during the regular conference.

The confluence site is:http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/PED/Preconference+2009+Teaching+and+Learning

If you are interested in participating please take a minute to sign up  
and post your topics.

Josh Baron
Josh.Baron at marist.edu

7. Recent Email Discussion Groups

[Building Sakai] tasklist tool

[Building Sakai] LDAP and Sakai (map user)  ([Building Sakai] How to  
modify K1?)

[Building Sakai] multiple assignment submission

[Building Sakai] Breezelink tool for sakai 2.5.3

[Building Sakai] Blogger tool in Sakai 2.6, the blog posts that are  
made as public cannot be switched to private after the fact and vice  

[Building Sakai] Assignment XML blob

[Building Sakai] How to add pre-configured tool to a new tool

[Portfolio] Boston Sakai PreConference Workshop: Building a Portfolio  
for Your Institution Using Sakaihttp://n2.nabble.com/-Portfolio--Boston-Sakai-PreConference-Workshop%3A-Building-a-Portfolio-for-Your-Institution-Using-Sakai-td2748626.html#a2748626

[Portfolio] OSP Help for 2.6

[Portfolio] Help Needed on Sakai 2.6 Portfolio Documentation

[Portfolio] Matrix Portfolio Template --form attachment permissions

[Using Sakai] Drop Box in Sakai - how to add instructions

[Using Sakai] Assignment tool submission comments

[Using Sakai] Reals, new roles and permissions.

8. Events

2nd European Sakai Conference
May (4)-5-6, 2009
Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden

eLearning Africa
May 27- 29, 2009
Le Meridien President
Dakar, Senegal

2009 MoodleMoot San Francisco and 2nd Sloan-C Symposium on Emerging  
Technology in Online Learning
June 17-19, 2009
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
San Francisco, California

10th Sakai Conference in Boston
July 8-10, 2009
Cambridge Hyatt
Cambridge, Massachusetts

AuSakai '09
September 17-18, 2009
Charles Sturt University Bathurst Campus
Bathurst NSW, Australia

Assessment Institute in Indianapolis
October 25-27, 2009
The Westin Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana

Online Educa Berlin 2009
December 2-4, 2009
Hotel InterContinental Berlin
Berlin, Germany

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