[WG: Accessibility] Sakai 10.1 - more QA testing needed!

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Fri Jul 25 06:25:58 PDT 2014

[production, sakai-dev, sakai-qa, sakai-docs, i18n, accessibility, 
sakai-user, portfolio, pedagogy]

Hi All,

Please complete testing of fixed Jiras (including translations!) by 
Wednesday, July 30 [1]. We would like to cut an RC01 (release candidate 
01) sometime next week to keep on track for an early to mid August release.

Originally we targeted today to complete merging of fixes and release an 
RC01 (release candidate 01). At the Sakai core team meeting yesterday 
[2] we decided to extend the schedule a little so that the following 
tasks can be completed:

1) We had two blockers identified yesterday which are fixed and need 
testing. We verified one on the call and anticipate verifying the other 
blocker shortly.

2) A more reliable export CC 1.3 (Common Cartridge, an IMS standard) 
[3]. is being carefully tested for interoperability with Canvas.

3) Some fixes to Elastic Search, the new default search engine for Sakai 
10, should get into 10.1 (I'm not sure which Jiras exactly)

4) An additional possible blocker has been identified, which might 
require fixing or rolling back some code [4].

Keep the great progress going!

[1] List of fixed issues, need testing - 
[2] Sakai Core team - http://etherpad.ctools.org/p/rmmt-2014-07-24
[3] IMS Common Cartridge - http://www.imsglobal.org/cc/
[4] Potential new blocker -  https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/KNL-1281


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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