[WG: Accessibility] July 25 deadline - scope for Sakai 10.1

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Mon Jul 14 07:20:30 PDT 2014

[pedagogy, portfolio, i18n, accessibility, sakai-user, sakai-dev, sakai-qa]

Hi All,

For the moment, it looks like Sakai 10.1 is targeted to be released in 
early to mid-August.

There are no QA servers at the moment for Sakai 10.1 (only for Sakai 
10.0). Instead, the focus over the next two weeks is to get as many 
issues verified on trunk [1] as needed, to be merged into the Sakai 10 
branch and included in the Sakai 10.1 release.

July 25 is the deadline! to get your issues verified. The "10 status" 
merge flag must also be set, so that we know the issue is intended for 
the Sakai 10.1 release. The scope for Sakai 10.1 will be whichever 
issues we get fixed, verified and merged into the Sakai 10 branch in time.

We have a list of issues [2] and more detailed instructions [3] available.

[1] Please test on trunk - http://trunk.sakaiqa.org . Trunk is refreshed 
(i.e. data erased and code rebuilt) every 4 hours starting at midnight 
Eastern Daylight time. Time your testing appropriately so that you have 
time to complete without having your data erased.

[2] Jira filter for issues needing verification (i.e. confirming that 
the fix works as expected and does not cause regressions) - 

[3] QA test instructions - 


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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