[WG: Accessibility] DEADLINE EXTENDED! Submit your proposal for the Sakai Virtual Conference 2014!

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Aug 20 04:36:45 PDT 2014


There's still time to submit! The call for proposals for the Sakai 
Virtual Conference 2014 has been extended until Sept. 7th!

Don't wait! Submit your proposal 

The Sakai Virtual Conference is an exciting opportunity to share best 
practices in teaching and learning with your peers in the Sakai 
community. This conference is all about YOU -- your success stories and 
your amazing work. We encourage you to submit your proposal in any of 
the following categories.


    Faculty Course Showcase- Demonstrate exemplary instructional
    strategies and course design by showcasing your course.


    Instructional Design/Support- How do you support your end users?
      Share best practices for instructional design, training, and
    professional development at your institution.


    Effective or Innovative Practice- Are you using Sakai in a unique or
    uniquely effective way? Show us your innovative practice.


    Birds of a Feather- Lead an informal/unstructured online
    gathering/discussion about a topic of your choice.


    Student Experience Lightning Talks- Do you have some amazing student
    projects or perspectives you'd like to share? Nominate a student to
    provide a 5 minute presentation during a combined lightning talk


    Technical Session- Do you have a topic that would be of interest to
    Sakai developers or IT staff? Present on a technical topic "under
    the hood" of Sakai.


    Sakai en Español - Envía tu presentación sobre cualquiera de estos
    temas en español

We look forward to your proposal!


Help us get the word out! Please forward this announcement to other 
message outlets on your campus or even outside of the Sakai community 
where appropriate.


Neal Caidin, Sakai Community Coordinator, Apereo Foundation

Wilma Hodges, Sakai Virtual Conference 2014 Planning Committee Chair

Ian Dolphin, Executive Director, Apereo Foundation*

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