[WG: Accessibility] New idea for linking Accessibility documentation

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Thu May 9 11:35:36 PDT 2013

Hi Accessibility group,

Elizabeth Venstra from the Documentation group provided this idea, and Beth Kirshner gave me the technical information to implement. 

Instead of displaying the link to the Accessibility Confluence page, we can have the Confluence page display directly within Sakai online help! I've included a short screencast (30 seconds) to show how this works - http://screencast.com/t/K9Jw8wYRP

What do you think? The only potential problem I see is with images sometimes going a little off-screen (or we would need to truncate in Confluence, etc).

If you like this idea, I have to check one more technical detail and then I could check into Trunk so everyone could have a look. Right now it is just on my Mac, locally.


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