[WG: Accessibility] [WG: I18N & L10N] Accessibility help documentation being changed

Beth Kirschner bkirschn at umich.edu
Mon Mar 25 06:31:16 PDT 2013

My 2-cents: I think that the a11y should have a proposal for how to translate the new help page before moving forward, but I don't think this has to be a huge roadblock. There should also be a proposal for how to handle version-specific changes. Here's a simple straw-man proposal:

1. Major releases (e.g. 2.9) have their own wiki page, as suggested below
2. Minor releases (e.g. 2.9.1) should be called out within the text of the page, as appropriate (e.g. Known problems include risk of catching a gullibility virus, which has been fixed in 2.9.2).
3. Links to translations are provided at the _top_ of the page, and created as child pages. The "How to Translate Sakai" page should be updated (https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/I18N/How+to+Translate+Sakai)

- Beth

On Mar 22, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Neal Caidin <nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org> wrote:

> Hi a11y group and i18n/localization, 
> For those of you not aware, a11y has decided to move the Accessibilty help information out of the online help tool and into an external wiki (Confluence), at least until such time as the direction of the Online Help tool is decided (there has been some discussion about possibly replacing with this - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/HELP/Future+plans+for+The+Knowledge+Base+Tool  , but no decision) . 
> By making this change, updates to Accessibility information for Sakai can be made more frequently and dynamically as needed. 
> Here is the proposed text that would go into Sakai CLE online help, and point back to the wiki:  "The following URL is provided for people with disabilities who would like to experience the accessibility enhancements of Sakai.
> https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.9+Accessibility+Help+Documentation"
> So the question is, would it be okay to proceed with this change and figure out the localization process afterwards (aka translation) or do we need to figure this out before making the change? 
> An easy solution could be that the Accessibility wiki page could contain any links to localized translations which are provided to the Accessibiity group, as they are created. So there is still one page for the community to reference to find information about Accessibility in any language (at least acting like a "portal").
> FWIW, there appear to only be two translations of the current Accessiblity information in CLE: Brazilian Portuguese and Traditional Chinese.
> What do you think?
> Thanks!
> Neal Caidin
> Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
> nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
> Skype: nealkdin
> AIM: ncaidin at aol.com
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