[WG: Accessibility] Reminder: Accessibility WG Teleconference TOMORROW Thursday April 18th, 2013 and Previous Meeting Minutes

Humbert, Joseph A johumber at iupui.edu
Wed Apr 17 05:37:07 PDT 2013

Hello everyone,

This is a reminder that the next teleconference for the Accessibility WG will be TOMORROW Thursday April 18th at 2 PM Eastern.

Phone: 812-856-7060
PIN: 22348

Here are the notes for our previous teleconference:

April 4, 2013: https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Accessibility+WG+Teleconference+Minutes+04-04-2013

Notes URL:

*         http://free.primarypad.com/p/awg-04-18-2013


Any Other Business
1.       Discussion of progress on updating Sakai a11y help documentation
2.       CK Editor content creation guidelines
Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review

3.       A11y Jiras that need testing/review

Sakai 2.9.x

4.       Release Team Meeting Notes (If time is available)

The full agenda on Etherpad!

Joe Humbert, Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Specialist
UITS Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers
Indiana University, Indianapolis and Bloomington
535 W Michigan St. IT214 E
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Office Phone: (317) 274-4378
Cell Phone: (317) 644-6824
johumber at iupui.edu<mailto:johumber at iupui.edu>

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