[WG: Accessibility] JIRA Questions

Richwine, Brian L brichwin at indiana.edu
Mon May 2 08:54:35 PDT 2011


I am working on finding Accessibility JIRAs from the 2.8.0 Accessibility Review to backport to 2.7.x, so they can appear in the 2.7.2 maintenance release and have a couple questions.

When I look at some JIRAs, it is apparent from the 2.7.x status field that they have been applied to 2.7.x (the 2.7.x status reads Resolved or Closed). Is this enough to tell me that it will appear in the 2.7.2 release? Even if the Fix Versions field does not indicate 2.7.2 (i.e., only indicates 2.8.0).

Also, some JIRAs (like https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19886) do not indicate through the 2.7.x status field that they have been applied to 2.7.x and don't list any 2.7 versions as a Fix Version - however when I look to see if the issue is still present in 2.7.x, I find that it appears as if the change already has been applied to 2.7.x. I've tried inspecting the subversion commits, to see if I can tell from that, but find my lack of knowledge about how the svn sources are organized and also used by the various maven projects is failing me (i.e. in SAK-19886's case, the svn commit path was '/site-manage/trunk/site-manage-tool/tool/src/bundle/membership.properties' and doesn't tell me any version info, etc.).

I guess my questions really are:

1.       Is the only/best way to tell if a JIRA fix has made it into 2.7.x to inspect the code itself or am I missing something?

2.       If the fix appears to be in source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/branches/sakai-2.7.x, what tells me it will make its way into 2.7.2? For instance, do I need to reopen such JIRAs and directly indicate a fix version of 2.7.2? And if so, should I update the 2.7.x merge status from "none" to "merge" even though it already is present in 2.7.x?


Brian Richwine
Adaptive Technology Support Specialist
Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers
Indiana University - Bloomington/Indianapolis
(812) 856-4112

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