[WG: Accessibility] Today's Accessibility WG Teleconference Agenda

Silverio, Gonzalo gsilver at umich.edu
Fri Apr 22 05:55:05 PDT 2011

This is a fantastic resource, Mary. The simple and clear exposition of how JAWS operates should be required reading. The explanation of how JAWS deals with ARIA roles and states is nicely done, including how, where and why it deviates. Speaking for myself, I think I am beginning to understand the technology and its ramifications.

Many thanks again for pointing the document out.


> Mary pointed out that there is an updated document on JAWS’s support of ARIA written for developers by Freedom Scientific. It can be found on the web here:http://www.freedomscientific.com/PDF/visionloss/manuals/DevDoc/JAWS-ARIA-Support.doc

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